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Hurricane Laura Relief Opportunities


Lissette Jenkins (Gershwin) jumped into action as soon as Laura hit!  Her brother and his fellow soldiers were all effected by Hurricane Laura. She raised over $1800 over night and collected a ton of much needed supplies from her neighbors and made two trips to DeRidder, LA this weekend. She said that there is no power or gas within an hour drive, so people are in need of lanterns, non-perishable food and lots of gas to run generators!  Baby diapers and formula are also in high demand.

Hurricane Laura Relief Opportunities!

Local Drop Location TODAY, Sunday 8-30-2020!
Memorial Drive United Methodist Church has set up a donation center and it's open TODAY from 12 - 6 PM in Wesley Hall on Main Campus! (See list of needed items in right column).  Or even easier, you can make an online donation to Hurricane Laura relief!  Just visit: https://www.mdumc.org/laura

Grace Presbyterian Church took a box truck full of supplies yesterday and has set up a relief site at Henning Memorial United Methodists Church in Sulphur, LA.  You can donate online at: https://members.gpch.org/page/186 please note it is for Hurricane Laura relief.

Get the kids involved for a great cause!
Kelly Ultis and her neighbors have set up a great way to support Laura relief (with some fun for the kids), just around the corning in Rustling Pines!

Let me know if you hear of any other opportunities to support our neighbors in LA.  We know all too well how devastating hurricanes can be and that it takes a village to get through it all!

Thank you!


Without power, hot meals are impossible to come by and grocery stores are closed.

John Moore owns Palazzos & Moderno Taco and is planning to head out today with 50 meals and arrive by 4:30pm. After that he will take it up to about 250 meals and potentially more if there is still a need.
If you would like to help with the cost of food please send John a Venmo and label it Meals for Hurricane Laura relief.

The meal drop location is in Sulphur, LA at Henning Memorial United Methodists Church.


Laura's high winds caused so much roof damage (if not ripping them off completely!), so tarps are in high demand.  If you would like to drop some tarps off to me at 202 Electra, I'll get these to Melissa York. 

Melissa flooded during Harvey and her family lives near Lake Charles so she has been driving donations from Houston to LA every few days!

MDUMC Donation List for drop off TODAY:

You can help our neighbors who have been impacted by Hurricane Laura by donating the following items:
Roof tarps – reinforced, UV resistant, water resistant, minimum 20’x15’ (Not all tarps are waterproof)
Lumber: 1x2x8’s OR 2x2x8’s or longer
Nails: Button Cap / Roofing Nails
Nails: 2-1/2” nails
Screws: 2-1/2” deck screws
Generators and unused (and empty) gas cans.
Medium size moving boxes
Non-perishable (basic) foods
Water or beverages that do not require refrigeration
hygiene: shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, combs,
brushes, depends – either individually or in prepared kits.
Baby Food/formula
Household cleaning supplies / Wipes
Hand sanitizer
Small first aid kits


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